Friday, September 30, 2011

Two nights ago I found out that there is a big test coming up for my criminology class. I was told the test was on Friday so I started to freak out because I hadn’t studied at all and I was afraid I was going to fail. The next day my lower right eye lid was twitching every 10-15 mins and it was frustrating and annoying. I could not figure out why it was doing that so I asked some people and did a little bit of research on why a person’s eye might be twitching. I found out that there is no exact cause of it but it usually occurs when a person is under a lot of stress. It is also associated with high caffeine intake. I remember that morning I had two cups of coffee and I started to study when the twitching started. After I found out the causes of why my eye was twitching I took a break and relaxed a little bit. But my eye has not stopped twitching and it is really bothering me. Stress is an important issue that people don’t take seriously. People who go to college experience a lot of stress from trying to do well and getting everything they need to get done over with. It is important for people to take a break every once in a while. Not only will it relieve some stress but it will also help you retain information because your not under stress and your head doesn’t hurt. When I start doing my school work I don’t take a break until I am completely done. A lot of other students also do this because they don’t want to deal with it later on. But since I realized that it is important to take breaks every once in a while when your studying, im going to start doing it so my eye stops twitching all the time.